YACS Admin
Platform: Web
Languages: Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, Javascript
An admin panel for the YACS app that allows course instructors and system administrators to create, update, and delete course catalog entries.
Source Blog Posts
Platform: Hardware
Languages: C
An interactive lantern created with an Arduino, electronic components, and a can of Monster Energy. Created at Bitcamp 2017.
Platform: Hardware
Languages: None
An alternate alarm system for people with hearing loss that integrates with existing alarms. Created at McHacks 2017.
Platform: Chrome
Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
An open-source Chrome extension that either hides or highlights possibly harassing tweets and gives users information about reporting harassment. Won MLH and HackHarassment's Best Anti-Harassment Hack at HackRPI 2016.
Source Code Download
Platform: Web
Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js
An open-source Node.js app that takes users' Spotify data and uses the Spotify API to create a playlist matching the length of a road trip based on the group's preferences. Created at HackMarist 2016.
Source Code
Better eBinder
Platform: Web
Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails
A Rails application that organizes Google documents in a customizable "binder". Originally created for Stamford Public Schools to organize preschool documents.
Source Code Sample Binder Blog Posts
Platform: Hardware
Languages: Python
A hardware hack designed to show that stimming is a natural and relaxing experience for autistic and allistic individuals. Created at HackMIT 2016.
Source Code
Platform: Web
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Django
A new spin on the way tips can be farmed for crime prevention and solving that uses crowd funding to make information more valuable for issues and crimes the public feels strongly about.
Source Code Blog Posts
Platform: iOS
Languages: Lua
An iOS app that generates sound based on RGB values for images as well as maintains volume relative to the intensity of the color. Won Most Creative Hack at BCCHacks 2016.
Source Code
Sensory Overload Simulator
Platform: iOS/Web
Languages: iOS: Lua
Web: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Rails
A mobile mini simulation collection that tries to simulate some of the experiences of autistic people. Won Most Innovative Hack and placed second overall at NYX 2016. Web port is available on GitHub.
Source Code
Platform: iOS
Languages: Lua

Platform: Chrome
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
An open-source Chrome extension that determines if a major news source is trustworthy. Created at HackRPI 2015.
Source Code Download
Stamford STEMFest
Platform: Mobile Web
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
A mobile web app for visitors of Stamford STEMFest 2015. Included information on over 90 activities, directions, parking, registration, and a form for song requests.
Source Code