September Update: PennApps, New Semester
I haven’t blogged on here in a rather long time. At the end of this month, I began my junior year and last full year at RPI.
From September 8-12, I attended PennApps XVI at the University of Pennsylvania. This will probably be my only hackathon until HackRPI because of how demanding my schedule is right now, so I decided to make the most of it. It was a rather long bus ride (I had to take two buses!), but I had a lot of fun.
I was able to catch up with some old friends from previous hackathons, and meet some new ones! During my times at PennApps, I built a React Native app with that pulls calming GIFs from the GIPHY API and learns user preferences.
As I said before, that will be my last hackathon until HackRPI because of how busy I am this semester. I am jumping back on the YACS admin project, and I am no longer the only person on the admin project. In addition, I am continuing my position as an RCOS mentor, but this semester I will be in the 6pm small group due to course conflicts.
I will go into more detail about my plans for YACS admin hopefully later today or this week at the latest on the YACS blog.
My courseload aside from RCOS is rather demanding, but by sacrificing hackathon travel, hopefully I will be able to balance my courseload effectively. I am looking forward to seeing how this semester plays out!